We are very grateful to the Money Advice Trust for funding us to create these essential resources to build the financial health of clients who have English as a Second Language (ESOL). Co-produced with ESOL students, tutors, and debt advisers, these materials are tailored to meet the needs of ESOL clients.  Although they are tailored to ESOL clients, their simplicity of language means they can be used for other clients wanting to improve their financial capability.

To access the resources booklet click the following link: Resources

To access the PowerPoint slides click the following links:

1 bills

2 budgeting

3 banking

4 borrowing

5 welfare

6 payslips

7 frontline



Camden office

10 Great Turnstile

Phone: 020 7831 7079


Newham office

Queensway House
275-285 High Street
E15 2TF

Phone: 020 7831 7079


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